Hi everyone. My name is Mark Cardinali. I am a black belt and history graduate from York University. I have worked for York University’s book store and I had gotten my boating license. I have also become the founder of the Catholic Historical Research Centre an organization which dedicates itself to research in the field of history, and possibly religion and politics. For me however, I have a much larger goal, a quest, and a colossal undertaking. The goal I have in mind is to build something which many people see as impossible. That goal is the creation of a new country or at the very least a nation or micronation. Now some will say that this goal is close to impossible or that anyone who does it is full of delusions, but this is far from the truth and thanks to Markland, we will show that it is possible for one to fufill the dream of many to build a country. There are many micronations in the world, but not many of them have succeeded in become countries. For Markland however, it will be an exception. In my homes, especially in Toronto, I have been planning and building my nation. Markland may not yet have the defined territory but we will get there. Markland does however have its ideology and a chosen form of government. In this video, I will speak about how we are going to build Markland.