Born 1998 and raised in Toronto, Ontario Canada, Mark Cardinali can do many things and is many things. He is a Devout Roman Catholic, Black Belt, licensed boater, Micronationalist and CEO of Mark Cardinali World. This entire site is dedicated to both Mark Cardinali himself, his personal culture, identity, beliefs and achievements all which have shaped Mark Cardinali. Mark Cardinali runs the MAC Broadcasting YouTube Channel, a small channel. Mark Cardinali is also the head of a micronation called the Catholic People’s Empire of Markland with himself as head of state. Mark Cardinali is also a hardworker, having worked for York University, Your Newfie Sisters and delicate glow cosmetics. I specialize in History, politics and research related to such topics. Cardinali is a devout Catholic, baptized after birth. My faith is something that has shaped my identity and has made me a better person up to this day. I have a desire for philanthropy and protecting human rights born and unborn. If you wish to work or collab with me, please visit the contact us page.